文章主题:GPT-4 Turbo, DALL-E 3, Copilot


微软公布Copilot下一步计划,将支持GPT-4 Turbo和新DALL-E 3模型

Microsoft’s AI assistant, Copilot, is set to receive a boost in its capabilities, enhancing its ability to create compelling text and images. The latest update includes integration with GPT-4 Turbo, an upgrade to DALL-E 3, the addition of enhanced code interpretation tools, and improved deep search capabilities within Bing. This move signifies Microsoft’s commitment to refining AI-driven content creation, aiming to boost productivity and streamline workflows for users. Stay tuned for even more sophisticated language and visual outputs from Copilot in the coming months. 🚀💻🎨

🌟🚀Copilot的未来已来!🚀💡由AI巨擘OpenAI倾力打造的超凡🔥GPT-4 Turbo模型,即将以128K超大语境窗口的实力,为Copilot注入更强的理解力与创新思维。🌍✨这款革命性的AI工具,正在小范围测试中展现出非凡的表现,预计几周后,将深度嵌入Copilot,引领智能协作的新篇章!🔥💻微软的Yusuf Medhi信心满满地宣布:“让科技更贴近生活,我们来了!”👀💪

🌟🚀OpenAI的创新力再次震撼!🔥🔥备受期待的Dall-E 3即将飞越微软操作系统的大门,为用户提供前所未有的创作体验。🎨✨只需轻轻一点,用户就能创造出精美绝伦、细节精准的文字与图像,质量直线上升,满足你对艺术和信息的所有想象。💻🌍无论身处何处,都能随时随地开启你的创意之旅,让科技赋能的艺术触手可及!🌟

Microsoft is enhancing its Bing search experience by integrating deep searching capabilities. Utilizing the prowess of GPT-4, this feature expands search queries to provide more comprehensive and optimized results for intricate topics. 📈🔍 #BingDeepSearch #GPT4Power #EnhancedSearchExperience

Microsoft is actively working on enhancing its coding interpreter capabilities, aiming to provide Copilot users with unparalleled precision in calculations, data analysis, and code generation. This innovative feature enables seamless integration between AI chatbots and the coding process, streamlining the workflow and boosting efficiency. 🚀💻📊

Microsoft Edge的内置助手Copilot已崭露头角,它具备强大的视频理解能力。只需轻轻一点,用户便能向Copilot求助,让其对所观视频进行全面精炼的摘要生成,或是提出富有深度的问题,深入探讨演讲内容。无论是专业讲座还是教学视频,无论主题多么复杂,Copilot都能提供精准且有价值的反馈,让你在观看的同时也能进行知识的梳理和积累。







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