AI绘画app是最近上新的一款生成式人工智能创作平台,它能够支持以自然语言以及图片作为输入方式,进而生成高质量的图像与视频。此平台将 “一站式 AI 创意创作平台” 作为产品定位,全力致力于为用户提供流畅的创作感受、丰富的创意灵感源泉以及高效的创作工具。

AI 绘画 app 在图片生成模型中对中国元素进行了特别优化,促使生成的国风绘画作品更加契合中国传统文化的审美标准。不论是山水、花鸟、人物亦或是建筑,皆能展现出细腻、精致且富有韵味的国风特色。与其他 AI 绘画工具相比,它更为突出。对于热衷于国风绘画的用户而言,AI 绘画 app 无疑是一个不可多得的创作利器。


一、 操作方法



二、 提示词分享

1. 莲湖背景的汉服模特

提示词:身着白色汉服的绝美模特,纯蓝色天空之上,白色的莲花大叶舒展。画面采用拍摄手法,呈现模特全身,其面部精致,姿态优雅。整体风格尽显极简主义,具有透明之感,色调以绿色和翠色为主。特写镜头下,更显魅力。(A stunning model in white Hanfu. Above the pure blue sky, large white lotus leaves are stretching. The picture uses shooting techniques to present the models whole body. Her face is delicate and her posture is elegant. The overall style fully shows minimalism and has a sense of transparency. The color tone is mainly green and emerald. Under the close-up shot, it is even more charming.)


提示词:一个最为美丽的中国古代女孩身着白色与浅黄色的汉服丝绸,优雅地摆着姿势。其风格强烈,人像有着明显的明暗对比,色彩如粉彩般柔和。画面呈现出马丁・雷克的风格,特写镜头下,犹如提香的画作般迷人。女孩被包裹在华美的服饰中,散发着谦逊的魅力,画质高达 8K。(A most beautiful ancient Chinese girl poses in white and light yellow Hanfu silk. The style is strong. The portrait has distinct light and shade. The pastels are soft. Martin Rieck. Close-up shot. Titian. Wrapped. Modest charm. 8K.)


提示词:一位中国女子,置身于中国风景之中。具有极简风格的抽象画,画面空灵。封面艺术呈现极简抽象主义风格,运用简单的矢量形状以及柔和色调的色彩渐变。蕴含中国艺术特色,采用分层形式,充满异想天开之感,散发着禅宗韵味。(A Chinese woman is set in a Chinese landscape. It is an abstract painting with a minimalist style and an ethereal picture. The cover art presents a minimalist abstract style, using simple vector shapes and color gradients of soft tones. It contains Chinese artistic characteristics, adopts a layered form, is full of whimsy and exudes a Zen charm.)


提示词:中国古代的女孩与一只猫相伴,呈现极简具象主义风格。整体色调为浅绿,有着功利且有机的形状与线条。如同插画一般,融合了丹麦设计风格,展现动物与人物的和谐画面。(An ancient Chinese girl is accompanied by a cat. It presents a minimalist figurative style. The overall tone is light green, with utilitarian and organic shapes and lines. Like an illustration, it combines Danish design style and shows a harmonious picture of animals and people.)


提示词:明月高悬夜空,一位古装雅士手持酒杯,仰望明月,似在询问 “明月几时有”。周围环境清幽,树影摇曳,草丛稀疏。画面淡雅,富有意境。(The bright moon hangs high in the night sky. An elegant man in ancient costume holds a wine cup and looks up at the moon, seemingly asking “When will the moon appear?”. The surrounding environment is quiet and secluded. The tree shadows sway and the grass is sparse. The picture is elegant and full of artistic conception.)


提示词:一位中国美女,身着华美的礼服,轻盈地翩翩起舞。在自然光的映照下,呈现出动态透视效果。画面融入武术元素,以高角度进行全身拍摄。整体采用中国色调,犹如一幅抽象画,细节之处极为精致。绘画风格为动漫风格,画质高达 8K。(A Chinese beauty, dressed in a gorgeous dress, dances gracefully. Under the illumination of natural light, it presents a dynamic perspective effect. The picture incorporates martial arts elements and is shot in full body from a high angle. The overall use of Chinese tones is like an abstract painting, and the details are extremely exquisite. The painting style is anime style, and the picture quality is as high as 8K.)


AI 绘画 app 以其强大的功能和对国风绘画的出色优化,为我们打开了一扇通往国风艺术世界的大门。无论是追求极简之美,还是钟情于动漫风格,亦或是渴望在画面中融入古典诗词的意境,它都能满足你的创作需求。让我们一起借助 AI 绘画 app,尽情挥洒创意,描绘出更多令人惊艳的国风画卷,传承和弘扬中华优秀传统文化。


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