文章主题:GPT-4 Turbo, DALL-E 3, Copilot


微软公布Copilot下一步计划,将支持GPT-4 Turbo和新DALL-E 3模型

Microsoft’s AI assistant, Copilot, is set to receive a boost in its capabilities, enhancing its ability to create powerful text and images. The latest update includes integration with GPT-4 Turbo, an upgrade to DALL-E 3, the addition of enhanced code interpreters, and improved deep search capabilities within Bing. 🚀💻🎨 This game-changing development signifies Microsoft’s commitment to pushing AI boundaries and enhancing productivity for users. Stay tuned for even more impressive results from Copilot! #AIAssistant #CopilotUpdate #MicrosoftTech

🌟🚀Copilot的未来已来!🔥🔥由AI巨擘OpenAI倾力打造的超凡之作——GPT-4 Turbo,正以128K超大内存的独有优势,引领技术潮流。它犹如智慧的磁铁,深度解析用户需求,为Copilot注入更强的生命力。👀💡微软高管Yusuf Medhi透露,这款革命性的AI模型目前已在部分用户体验中崭露头角,并预计将在几周后的更新中全面渗透,让Copilot的服务更上一层楼!🔥🚀准备好迎接智能新高度,与GPT-4 Turbo一起探索无限可能吧!🌍💻

🎉🚀Microsoft’s operating system is about to witness a groundbreaking arrival with the launch of Dall-E 3, an advanced image generator by OpenAI. This game-changing tool promises to deliver even more precise and high-quality text and images than its predecessor, GPT-4 Turbo. Users can now anticipate a seamless experience in creating digital masterpieces without any compromise on quality. Get ready for a visual and textual revolution! 🌟💻🎨

Microsoft is enhancing its Bing search experience by integrating deep searching capabilities. With the prowess of GPT-4, the platform now offers expanded search queries that delve deeper into topics, delivering optimized results for complex subjects. Say goodbye to surface-level results and hello to a more comprehensive search journey. 📈🔍 #BingDeepSearch #GPT4Power #InnovativeSearch

Microsoft is actively working on enhancing its coding interpreter capabilities, aiming to provide Copilot users with unparalleled precision in calculations, data analysis, and code generation. The upcoming feature enables seamless integration between AI chatbots and developers, streamlining the process and boosting efficiency. 🚀💻📊

Microsoft Edge的内置助手Copilot已崭露头角,它能轻松助你一臂之力。只需轻轻一点,无论你在欣赏哪段演讲视频(👀),Copilot都能迅速提取要点,为你生成精炼概要。不仅如此,如果对某个概念心生疑惑,别急,向Copilot提问,它将即时提供详尽解答,让你的观看体验更加深入透彻。







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